Captain Quirk

2 Reviews Perth, WA Phone: 1300 443 210

Performance Information

Performance duration

1 - 4 hours

Stage & Power requirements

Normal Power Required


Travel Information

Happy to Travel

Other Information


Written on 27th Sep 2016

The events over the week went very well and we were extremely lucky with the weather as it did not rain during any of the events! There were many comments at the family fun day – everyone absolutely loved Captain Quirk! He was great and was a big hit with the kids with his juggling, bubbles and stilts! Face Painting and the Caricaturist and The Clown’s balloon sculptures were also popular. The DJ was always on site well before the required time and was great.


Written on 04th Aug 2016

The “Picnic” went well – numbers may have been down slightly on previous years and this we attribute to the severe storm experienced 2 days earlier. Captain Quirk went down well with the kids Cheers
